Wednesday, January 2, 2008

To Kill a Mocking Bird

USA has a very recent history. In that short span I think they have managed to create quite a commotion. If we can draw a similarity between birth of places to growth of people or to new buys, then this is how I would explain it from that perspective. It's similar to a small child and all the fuss it creates or a new cloth that we love to wear more often than others. It too will soon calm down and grow up. This is how I think I would like to draw conclusion reading the book.

It is however a better read than all the crazy "USA that", "USA this" stuff that's on the movies and books these days. It reminded me of how the White immigrants from Europe have oppressed and almost made extinct the local people of Americas and the culture of the tribes. It reflects on the cruelty shown towards colored people - which is still evident in the nation despite all the talk of equality. It is a wonderful book if one feels like seeing how hypocritical humans are. If we can learn from these mistakes and make ourselves better, just a little bit, then I feel we will make for much better Humans.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

abachurina postapisu

I decided I have to improve my Kannada and Kannada novel knowledge. Till now I had read only one novel, about shakuntala and I simply loved it. Recently, borrowed a couple of books from my sis. This one by poornachandra tejaswi was the first to be devoured, slowly, yes.

My first impression, it's just a bunch of random stories. Starts and ends abruptly. But as I reflect upon it I do like the book. It's a one reader for me but I quite like the abruptness. It leaves room for thought and characters do have a certain depth to them. Looking forward to reading the next one.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Manfredi Triathlon

I read a couple of books by Valerio Massimo Manfredi. Listed below are the books:

The Spartan. I had read this a few years back and this was my first Massimo. Love at first read is how to describe this book.
The Talisman of Troy read in December `06. A nice read at times a drag but in all good.
The Oracle. This was a try by Manfredi at getting away from the typical ancient Roman setting towards blending the 20th century with the fables from ancient Rome. For me, it was not that great a read. It sort of feels like it has an Identity crisis.
I just finished reading The Empire of Dragons. It was a beauty and a must read. It has a very distinct character and charm that keeps you glued to the book.

Link to my other post on this

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Paris and Parisans!

Paris - a city shrowded in mystery. Atleast the numerous books written describe it so. I have read 3 books till now, written at different points in time, the plot has it's foundations in some or the other famous monument of Paris.

The first of the series was Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown based built on "La Louvre". This was also made into a movie, as you already know. It caused quite a sensation due to it's religious association! However it does have a love track running along with the mystery track.

The second was Hunch back of Notredame by Victor Hugo. This was a love story of sorts among the inhabitants of the famous Notredame church in Paris. I read an un-abriged translation. Found the original fench book too much for the little french that I know.

The third and the latest that I read was The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux. This is also another love story and the setting is The Paris opera house.

I enjoyed reading each of these their own way they were quite thriling! Parisans and the thrill they get out of love shrouded in mystery....Would love to visit this place some time...

Monday, October 30, 2006

Oliver twist

The first time I heard this, was on TV, there is this cooking show that is called Oliver Twist (cute guy with a funny accent and nice style of cooking). In one of my visits to landmark, and the usual browsing through classics, I saw this book. I was wondering what it was all about when my friend told me it was a very good book. So, yup you guessed right, I picked it up.

It’s actually a slow book; I have fallen asleep numerous times while reading it. At times I even cussed myself for liking classics!

The story is about this young orphan, who is brought up in the cruelest of conditions, in a typical English country side. It talks of how he escapes the clutches of the middle class people of that times, and reaches London, how he gets cheated in London by a gang of robbers, of the assistance of some elderly gentleman and lady of the upper class, and the change in his luck and finally of his becoming happy and experiencing a much desired and wanted love and affection by the people surrounding him.

It is a book with a typical happy ending, which all of us would want in a book but then, one which makes the book a “typical book”. To me it was a decent read, quite touching at times of Oliver’s misery and happiness but not something that had a “punch” to it.
I remember the day, a couple of months back when in one of my visits to forum's landmark, I was as usual browsing throught the classics section and I happened to notice this book. I picked it up to confirm that it was the un-abriged version, which it was, and I just bought it. Simple, didn't even see the reviews or previews. I had been hearing about this book a lot and voila, now Ive got it! After 2 months and 2 books read in-between, I got to find out what it is all about.

This is a tragic story of a beautiful girl, who was loved to the brink by 2 persons, one an old priest - who was the cause of her death, a murderer - and the other a ugly hunchbacked bellringer - who was even willing to get her a lover just to see her happy. She in her turn was in love with an army man, who being handsome and "of the society", looked at her - a nomad - as an object to be used for pleasure but nothing else. The story is about the tragic death of the 3 lovers and the good life of the 'society man'. It very vividly show the insanity of the European people of those times towards people from other parts of the world (I still believe this exists but may be to a slightly lesser extent) and of the recklessness of the kings (read today's politicians).

It was a good read, specially after the initial half! The first half is a little too slow but it gets exciting after a point of time. Go on, get yourself this book.

Monday, September 11, 2006

The kite runner. This was one of those books I saw was being discussed on one of the Orkut communities. And when Yams told me about this movie she saw of a group of people reading and discussing books, we decided we would maintain a blog to do the same. Though we both seem to the only ones to be writing on this, lets see how it goes. Specially considering Yams is becomming fatter in the brain devouring books at an unbelievable rate. My thoughts of this book...are yet to be typed out. It shall appear soon. For now, I sign off with the resolution of reading atleast 50 pages per day of the book I am currently reading - Oliver Twist.